System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 6 - Purchasing > Import Data
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 8 - Sales > Import Data
System Administration > System Tools > Conversion Tools > Import Data
Use this routine to convert your data to the STORIS format when you first begin using STORIS. You convert data file-by-file (for example, Vendor file then Product file). Your current account name appears at the top of the screen. You can convert data only into the account you are currently running. If you have already loaded your initial data, check with STORIS before running this process again.
Consult with your STORIS representative before running this routine. Running this routine improperly
can damage your data files.
If you are already LIVE on the STORIS
system, check with STORIS before running any data conversions in your
LIVE account.
Click the following links for additional
information on entering data, specific imports, error reporting, and additional
Entering Data into the Worksheet
When converting data to STORIS, you must use the latest version of the Conversion Spreadsheet provided by STORIS.
To download a copy of the latest conversion spreadsheet document, which is provided in Microsoft® Excel format, click here to access the STORIS secure web site. The screen prompts you to enter the User ID and Password you established when you registered for access to the Client Services web site. After logging in, go to the Documentation, Vision, Spreadsheet Downloads page and click on the button for the version of the spreadsheet you need. Use the File Download window to Save the file to your PC.
There are two types of conversion spreadsheet documents available for use with the Import Data program. 1) The "full" Conversion Spreadsheet, which contains worksheets for all of the available data imports, such as Advanced Regional Vendor, Installment Receivables, etc. and 2) An EZ Conversion Spreadsheet, which contains worksheets for specific imports that allow entry of only the minimally required data fields.
The Conversion Spreadsheet contains individual worksheets for each conversion file type (for example, the Vendor worksheet).
Be sure not to alter the format of the worksheets when entering your data.
Each column represents a field in STORIS.
Each worksheet contains helpful comments describing the requirements for each column on the worksheet.
When you hover the mouse pointer over a column heading, comments appear showing the maximum length, type, value, etc., for that column.
Note that column headers highlighted in yellow indicate data fields that can be updated following initial data creation.
Column headers highlighted in blue indicate data fields that can be updated and cleared following initial data creation.
Enter your data into the worksheet, using a different row for each product or vendor.
When complete, save the file as a tab-delimited .txt file.
You can then use this routine to import the file into STORIS.
To import AP Bill data, click here for more information.
If converting GL data, you must convert the files in the order (from left to right) that they appear on the tabs in the GL Conversion Spreadsheet file. For example, GL Class must be converted before GL Sub Class.
When importing Quantity on Hand data, the import data process has the ability to remove inventory pieces that have been transferred back to the warehouse, as well as to add store inventory pieces that have been transferred from the distribution warehouse. For negative QOH adjustments, you must include the negative sign (-) when entering the Quantity in the spreadsheet.
When importing Product records, STORIS rejects any records whose product code starts with zero (0).
When importing Product records, you have the option to import new products only by entering a Y in the New Products Only cell in the Product Conversion spreadsheet. If a product exists, the product is skipped and appears on the Product Import Error report.
When importing Product data, if you use multi-lingual processing, you can import product descriptions and other text columns into the proper language. The Product tab in the Conversion Spreadsheet provided by STORIS includes a Language Code prompt in the header row of the spreadsheet. If you use a language other than English, enter the code immediately following the colon (no space) in the Language Code: prompt in that cell of the spreadsheet. If left blank, the system uses a language code of 1 for English. When you enter a language code into this cell, the system uses that code to determine what language the text should be using when importing that data. The comment for the Language Code cell in the spreadsheet also includes a list of the text columns that support multi-lingual processing.
When importing Customer records, STORIS rejects customers with charge-off balances less than zero (0).
When importing Customer records, you have the option to import new customers only by entering a Y in the New Customers Only cell in the Customer Conversion spreadsheet. If a customer exists, the customer is skipped and appears on the Customer Import Error report.
When importing Purchase Order, Revolving Receivables, Invoice, or Service Order History data, you are prompted for the names of two spreadsheets, rather than one Data File Name. One spreadsheet is used for header information and the other for detail information.
When converting Invoice and Service Order History data, you must import the Invoice data first.
When you import Invoice history data, the program checks the delivery type of the header and all line items on the invoice. If all line items for the invoice have the same delivery type, but the header delivery type does not match the line items, the import program changes the header delivery type to match the line items. The invoice is created and a warning message on the Error Report states that the header delivery type did not match the line type and that the header delivery type was changed. If all line items do not have the same delivery type, the invoice import is rejected for all line items. An error message on the report states that line items for the invoice must all have the same delivery type and error messages for each rejected line item are also generated.
Converting Installment Receivables: The process does not generate any General Ledger posts - similar to Open Item and Revolving data imports. Late fees are supported and up to 12 different installments can have late fees assigned. No calculations are performed for interest and insurance charges; these amounts are provided in total and applied to the contract’s amortization schedule using either the rule of 78’s or straight-line, depending on Installment Receivables Control Settings.
The system generates an Error Report each time you run the conversion process. As the system processes each record in the data file, it marks them as one of the following:
converted - the record was successfully added to the STORIS database.
error - the record was not converted to the STORIS database, a brief explanation appears.
warning - the record was converted to the STORIS database, but with conditions. A brief explanation appears. Check the record in STORIS for integrity.
While the data Conversion Spreadsheet and GL Conversion Spreadsheet files contain the worksheets you use to import most of your STORIS data, other conversion/import spreadsheets are provided by STORIS for use with the following routines:
Conversion FileSpecify the STORIS file
to which you want to convert data (for example, the Vendor file). You
can click the Arrow button and select the file from the drop-down list,
or double-click an item listed in the grid to select it.
The following applies if the "Customer Entry - Warn if Primary
Email exists for other Customers" setting is checked in the Customer
tab of Point
of Sale Control Settings: If an email address is added or changed,
the new email address is checked to determine if it has been assigned
to any other customer account as a primary email address. If the email
address already exists, a warning message appears that can be dismissed.
Data File NameEnter the name of the file
containing the data you want to convert to the STORIS format. The
file must be a tab-delimited .txt file. If you click on the Action
button, you can browse for the file.
The .txt file name you indicate here cannot be more than 26 alpha-numeric
characters, not including the extension (.txt).
PO Header File Name, PO Detail File NameThese
are dynamic fields. If you select Purchase Order at the Conversion File
prompt, the PO Header and PO Detail fields appear. Indicate the names
of the PO header and PO detail ".txt" files that you created.
You can click the Action button to browse for each file on your system.
RR Header File Name, RR Detail File NameThese
are dynamic fields. If you select Revolving Receivables at the Conversion
File prompt, the RR Header and RR Detail fields appear. Indicate the names
of the RR header and RR detail ".txt" files that you created.
You can click the Action button to browse for each file on your system.
INV Header File Name, INV Detail File NameThese
are dynamic fields. If you select Invoice at the Conversion File prompt,
the INV Header and INV Detail fields appear. Indicate the names of the
INV header and INV detail ".txt" files that you created. You
can click the Action button to browse for each file on your system.
SO Header File Name, SO Detail File NameThese
are dynamic fields. If you select Service Order History at the Conversion
File prompt, the SO Header and SO Detail fields appear. Indicate the names
of the SO header and SO detail ".txt" files that you created.
You can click the Action button to browse for each file on your system.
Order Header File Name, Order Detail File Name
These are dynamic fields. If you select Order at the Conversion File prompt, the Order Header and Order Detail fields appear. Indicate the names of the Order Header and Order Detail ".txt" files that you created. You can click the Action button to browse for each file on your system.
Use this field to test the integrity of the selected data file prior
to fully converting the data file to STORIS. This is useful if the
data file has a large number of records. You can use this field to
specify a test run with a much smaller number of records.
Enter the number of records in the data file you want to include in
a test run of the conversion process. The system generates an Error
Report from which you can view the sample results. After you fix any
errors and consider any warnings given, you can re-run the Conversion
When you
run the Conversion program while specifying a sample amount, the system
actually attempts to convert the "sample" records to STORIS
format. Therefore, when you re-run the Conversion program, the Error
Report includes those sample records that were successfully converted.
The report marks them with a "Record Already Exists" warning.
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) This check box determines whether or not you can run the selected conversion in your Live account. If the box is checked, a check also appears in the grid to the right for the conversion file you selected. This indicates that you can run this process in your Live account for the conversion file you selected. If the box is not checked for a specific conversion file, you cannot run this process in your Live account without STORIS intervention. Further testing and/or training may be required before running this process. Please contact STORIS for assistance.
For existing clients already Live on STORIS, all conversions are set
to authorized (i.e. field is checked).
If you are accessing this process from any account OTHER than your
Live account, all conversion files are set to authorized (checked)
at this field.
For new Server clients, the default setting is authorized (checked)
for all import files except
the following: Quantity on Hand, Invoice History, and Service Order
History. Please contact STORIS for
assistance in running these conversions.
For new SaaS clients, the default setting is authorized (checked) for
all import files except
the following: Invoice History and Service Order History. Please
contact STORIS for assistance in running these conversions.
The grid displays the following columns:
Conversion File
Data File Name
Sample Amount
Authorized to Run Live - If the box at the Authorized to Run Live field above is checked, a check also appears in this grid column for the conversion file you selected. This indicates that you can run this process in your Live account for the selected conversion file. If the box is not checked for a specific conversion file, you cannot run this process in your Live account without STORIS intervention. Please contact STORIS for assistance.
You can double-click to select an item from the grid when at the Conversion File field above. The system populates the Conversion File field and Data File Name field, if available.
After you specify a conversion file, a data file, and a sample amount (optional), click on the Actions button. You have the following options:
Run Conversion - Select this option to begin converting the selected file. A confirmation window appears. The system keeps a running tally on the screen of records successfully converted, records generating error messages, and records generating warnings. The results appear in the Error Report the system generates at the conclusion of the conversion process. If you entered a response in the Sample Amount field, the system processes only the number of records specified and produces an Error Report. If you are satisfied with the results of the Error Report, re-run the conversion, this time setting the sample amount to zero (0).
Clear File Conversion - Choose this option to clear existing data from the selected conversion file. A confirmation window displays, warning that this process DELETES all data in the selected file and asks if you are sure you want to continue. Click Yes to continue with the clear process or No to cancel the clear.
When you select a file to clear, the system also
clears data from related files. For example, if you choose to clear
the Product file, the system also clears the fields in the Product
Category and the Product Group files. Contact your STORIS representative
for more information on related files.
Error Report - Select this option to reproduce the previous error report.