Maintain Web Email Text


Use this routine to edit the text for web emails sent automatically to your customers in response to specific actions on your website. For example, one email can let customers know the status of their on-line credit application, while another can inform the customer that their password needs to be established or reset. You use this screen to edit the "body" of these emails. The ID's for the email records are provided by STORIS; you cannot add new ones or delete existing ones.  

Email Text ID


WEB.EMAIL.TEXT record Description Replaceable Text
(The following tokens can be used in the text of their respective WEB.EMAIL.TEXT records. They will be replaced by actual data when the email is sent.)
ar077email1.txt An email sent to a customer when an on hold or pending credit request is approved.  
ar100email1.txt An email sent to a customer when a previously pre-authorized web payment has been completed.  
ar100email2.txt An email sent to a customer when a previously pre-authorized web payment has been deleted.  
ar199email1.txt An email sent to a customer notifying them that the credit application they submitted on the web was approved. <%credit_limit%>
ar199email2.txt An email sent to a customer notifying them that the credit application they submitted on the web is pending. <%customer_number%>
ar199email3.txt An email sent to a customer notifying them that the credit application they submitted on the web was declined. <%customer_number%>
CompleteSetup An email sent to a customer when they are registering on a website. The email contains a link that allows the customer to setup their password and security questions. This email is only generated if Encrypt Customer's Password is checked on the Administration tab of Web Control Settings.  
cs198email1.txt An email sent to a customer who has just updated their email address from the web. The email is sent to the updated email address.  
GiftCertificateEmail.txt An email sent to a customer that has successfully purchased a gift certificate from the web. <%gift_certificate_number%>
MultOrderCompleteEmail.txt An email sent to a customer when an order that generates multiple orders within STORIS has been successfully created from the web. <%multiple_order_numbers%>
(Also see te293email1.txt and te293.email2.txt)
Line item display text that is combined with text from WEB.EMAIL.TEXT records te293email1.txt or te293email2.txt that are sent to the customer and staff respectively when the customer requests assistance from the web. <%product_number%>
OrderCompleteEmail.txt An email sent to a customer when an order has been successfully created from the web. <%order_number%>
RegistryContribEmail.txt An email sent to a customer when a registry contribution has been successfully processed from the web. <%contributor_name%>
ResetPassword An email sent to acustomer including a link that allows customer to reset their web password. This email is only sent if Encrypt Customer's Password is checked on the Administration tab of Web Control Settings.  <%user_name%>
ServiceOrderExternal.txt An email sent to a customer when a service order has been successfully created from the web. <%user_name%>
ServiceOrderInternal.txt A copy of the email sent to a customer when a service order has been created successfully from the web. This email is only sent if the 'To' Email Address field on the Service tab of Web Control Settings contains an email address. <%user_name%>
sy190email1.txt An email sent to the customer containing a customer's password during initial web registration, or if they forgot their password after they have already registered. This email is only sent if Encrypt Customer's Password is not checked on the Administration tab of Web Control Settings.  
(Also see NeedAssistanceLineItem.txt)
The main text of the email sent to a customer requesting assistance from the web. This text is combined with the text from NeedAssistanceLineItem.txt to form the entire email body. <%user_name%>
(Also see NeedAssistanceLineItem.txt)
The main text of the email sent to the staff when a customer requests assistance from the wen. This email is only sent if an address specified in the 'From' Email Address field on the Service tab of Web Control Settings when a customer requests assistance from the web. This text is combined with the text from NeedAssistanceLineItem.txt to form the entire email body. <%user_name%>