Form Settings
Support Files: Warehouse/Store Location Settings, Printer Settings
Use this routine to assign print form types (that is, document print templates such as 42, the sales order document template) to print jobs in STORIS. This file is typically used only to alter pre-established STORIS defaults.
If you edit this file, you must run the Synchronize OS to STORIS Printers to re-initialize the configuration.
Form NumberEnter the STORIS form number you want to use as the ID for this record.
Examples: Form 40 = shipping tickets; Form 60 = purchase orders.
DescriptionEnter a text description for this STORIS form.
Number of CopiesEnter the number of copies you want when printing this type of form. This field is most often set to 1.
Suppress PrintTo allow the job to process but with no output to the printer, check the box at this field. For example, you can use this option in conjunction with the Create Hold File field to suppress immediate printing and reserve a copy of the print job in the queue for later printing.
Create Hold FileTo create a hold file for this form that you can print at any time and as many times as desired until the print job is manually deleted from the print queue, check the box at this field. Use this field in conjunction with the Suppress Print option to suppress the immediate output of the print job but hold the job in the queue for later printing.
Example: Form 20 (End of Day reports) has the Suppress Print NOT selected; the Create Hold File option IS selected, in order to maintain copies of the reports in the print queue until after the End of Day reports have been generated and printed.
For any reports that did not print successfully, you can select report outputs for printing using the Review Print Jobs program. Once you verify that the reports have printed successfully, you can delete the hold jobs from the print queue using the Review Print Jobs program.
Alignment Program Name(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) Use this field to indicate the test alignment program name for this Form, if applicable. Note that no alignment programs are required for STORIS forms.
Number of Page SkipsEnter the number of pages you want to skip between print jobs using this Form number. The default for this field is zero (0).
Logical Printer NumberUse this field in conjunction with the Default OS Form field to specify the default printer where this form usually prints. The system uses the default when it finds no other print avenues using the default hierarchy. The number entered here must exist in the Printer File.
Default OS FormUse this field in conjunction with the Logical Printer Number field to specify a default printer. This is the default operating system form number. The default O/S form for Windows 2000 systems is the Printer Name. Contact your STORIS representative for more detail.