Check Payment Settings
[Payment Type (Check)]
Use this routine to create and maintain check payment
types for use in sales order entry programs as well as the receivables
entry programs when applying deposits and payments to orders and invoices.
Use the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings to locate the bank (code) where payments are deposited.
The Bank file contains the Cash General
Ledger Account number used when posting payments.
Payment Type CodeEnter the code that will
represent this payment type.
the name or description of this payment type.
Drivers License PromptSelect
Mandatory if you require a driver's
license number with each check accepted. Select Optional
if recording the driver's license number is optional.
Receivables GL Account for EC ChecksThis field
is active only when the Electronic Check Authorization (On-Line Check
Verification) add-on module is active on your system. If you process electronic
conversion (EC) check payments, use this field to indicate the GL account
number that the system uses when posting these types of transactions.
If you click the Action button you access the screen, which you can use to locate
and enter the account number. The GL account you indicate is used only
for EC type payments. That is, electronically processed check payments
where funds are immediately debited to the customer's bank account. Guaranteed
checks (authorizations only) and non-ECA checks post to the cash account.
Activation DateUse the
Activation Date and Expiration Date fields to restrict usage of this payment
type to a specific time period. In this field, enter the date of the first
day you want this payment type to be available. The system restricts
any sales transactions dated earlier than this date from using this payment
Expiration DateUse the
Activation Date and Expiration Date fields to restrict usage of this payment
type to a specific time period. In this field, enter the date of the final
day you want this payment type to be available. The system restricts
any sales transactions dated later than this date from using this payment
Electronic Check TransmitThis field
is active only when the Electronic Check Authorization (On-Line Check
Verification) add-on module is active on your system. If you are electronically
transmitting check authorization requests and/or conversions using this
payment type, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.