Payment Commission Adjustments Screen


Use this screen to define percentages the system can use to calculate payment commission adjustments for financed orders, for example to adjust for a fee imposed by the financing company.  You can create positive or negative commission adjustments.  

 At this time, this feature is available for class 4 (financing) payment types only.

The system creates commission records at the time of order completion.

Commission lines for payment types defined with adjustment rates appear in the Sales Commission Report.

% of Financed Amount

% for Commission Adjustment

The program uses the following calculation for payment adjustments:

  1. Multiply the order financed payment amount by the adjustment factor (xxx.xx% of Payment Amount).

  2. Multiple the result of step 1 by the commission adjustment percentage (xxx.xx% for Commission Adjustment).

For example:


36 months equal payments

xxx.xx% of Payment Amount:


xxx.xx% for Commission Adjustment:


Amount Financed:


Adjustment Factor = $1258.95 * 17% or $214.02

Commission Adjustment = $214.02 * -12.5% or $-26.75