Date Range Selection
Use this screen to specify a date range for your report. When you run the Report Merchandising Activity routine to report written sales, this option allows you to specify the date range upon which to base the written sales information. The date range you specify is limited to dates within the last 30 days.
Date CodeClick the Arrow button and select a date code. Your options for this report are Custom Dates, Today, Yesterday, and Current Period to Date.
Start DateIf you select CUS as the date code, you can enter the first date in the range for which you are reporting written sales. The date you enter here cannot be more than 30 days ago. If you select a different date code, this field fills in and you cannot edit it.
End DateIf you select CUS as the date code, you can enter the last date in the range for which you are reporting written sales. The date you enter here cannot be in the future and cannot be more than 30 days ago. If you select a different date code, this field fills in and you cannot edit it.