Change Details
Use this routine to make adjustments to order details for the selected revolving plan, without impacting the long or short term balance of the plan. When you enter adjustments using this screen, the sum of the remaining balances for all transactions must equal the plan balance.
CustomerThe customer code, name, and address display.
PlanThe code of the revolving plan being adjusted displays from the previous screen.
ActivatedThe date the plan was activated for this customer displays.
BalanceThe customer's plan balance displays.
Current Due $The amount currently due from the customer for this plan displays.
TransactionDouble-click a line in the grid to select the transaction being adjusted.
PostedThe posting date of the selected transaction displays.
Amount $The original amount of the selected transaction displays.
Remaining $The remaining open amount for the transaction defaults in this field and can be changed. If you increase this amount, a corresponding decrease is required for another transaction or transactions, resulting in a zero net effect on the plan balance.
Interest Waived $If interest was not assessed during an override period for this plan, the amount of waived interest for the transaction defaults here and can be changed.
MMP $This field is active for Per Sales Order plans. The MMP amount that pertains to the selected transaction is defaulted from the grid and can be changed. If you change the MMP amount here, the MMP for the plan is re-calculated.
Promotion ExpiresThis field is active only when there is an amount in the Interest Waived field. Use this optional field to enter the date that the waived interest promotion for this transaction is to expire.
No Payments UntilUse this optional field to enter the date that the "no-payments until" promotion for this transaction is to expire. Once the promotion has expired, the MMP amount for the selected transaction is included in the new MMP amount when the account is cycled.