Configurator Sub-Options Screen
Use this routine during order entry to specify
sub-options for an option selected on the special
order configuration screen. This screen is available if you enter
or change an option (via the special order configurator screen) for which
sub-options have been enabled.
ProductThe special
order item's frame code is displayed.
OptionThe option
code for which sub-options are enabled is displayed.
DescriptionThe description
of the option displays.
TotalThis field
displays the total price for this configured item, including the base
price plus any add-on prices.
PriceThis field
displays the price of the option, including any add-on prices from the
the type for this sub-option. The type you choose must be listed in the
grid. You can double-click a line to make your selection from the grid.
the code of the sub-option for this type. If you click the Action button,
you can select a code from this list. Click the Add button to update the
grid with your selection.
PriceThe add-on
price (or "up charge") of the sub-option displays.