Order Completion Exceptions

When entering the completion details process for any document type (delivery, transfer, service), all lines are assumed to be completed with no exceptions. All lines initially have a status of Completed. The following describes how to handle common types of completion exceptions.  

Situation 1. The entire order has been refused.

Situation 2. Individual pieces were not completed (i.e. not delivered, picked up, transferred, etc.).

  1. Select the Not Complete button (located within the grid) for each line in the grid that was not completed.

  2. The Status for the lines changes to Not Complete and the Return to Storage Location is set to the default storage location for just those lines.

  3. To enter unique exception information for an individual line, select the Details button in the grid for the line you want to update.

  4. The Pieces Not Completed Detail screen appears.

  5. Indicate the information for that piece, click Save, and repeat the process for each not complete piece that requires unique detail information.

  6. As an alternate method, if you have exception information to enter that applies to all lines you marked not complete, you can click the Details button at the Not Completed Lines field.

  7. Information entered and Saved on the Pieces Not Completed Detail screen applies to all not complete pieces.