These instructions show you how to utilize routines and scanners to receive transferred merchandise via RF bar code label scanning. Processes to be completed using STORIS menu options are indicated with the STORIS logo. Those functions you perform on the scanner are indicated with an image of a bar code scanner device.
Steps: Initialize Transfer Batch; Transfer Receiving Review (optional); Scan Received Merchandise; Complete Transfer Receiving (optional); Verify Transfer Activity
Transfers to be received must be on a manifest. (See Build a Transfer Manifest or Print Pick List.)
In STORIS, select Initialize Radio Frequency Transfer Receiving from the menu.
Enter the From Location, Route Code, and Scheduled Date.
Click Save to initialize the batch.
The Transfer Initialization is Complete! message displays. Click OK.
To print labels, review the pieces expected to be received, and/or print a transfer receiving report at this time, do the following:
In STORIS, select Complete Radio Frequency Transfer Process from the menu.
Indicate the Transfer From and Transfer To locations, Route, and Transfer Date.
To print labels, click the Actions button and select Print Unreceived Qty Labels to print labels for items not received, or select Print Total Qty Labels to print labels for the total quantity of all items on the Transfer List.
To print a report listing the scanned received quantities and un-received quantities, click the Actions button and select Transfer List Report.
Click Exit after printing the labels and/or report.
Log in to the scanner.
The Main Menu displays.
Select #3 Receipts.
Select #2 Transfer.
At From Whse: scan the location label or enter the transfer from location and press Enter.
At Route enter the transfer route.
At Date: enter the transfer scheduled date.
At Locn: scan the storage location label or enter the location where merchandise is being received.
At Prod: scan the inventory label for the piece being received. The model number displays.
Scan all received pieces.
If you need to exit without scanning all pieces, enter 0 (zero) at the
Prod: prompt and press Enter. You must then use the Complete
Radio Frequency Transfer Process to complete the transfer. (See below.)
When finished scanning all pieces, the scanner returns automatically to the Receipts menu.
When you scan all pieces that are scheduled to
be received, the system automatically completes the manifest in STORIS.
If you did not scan all received merchandise, follow these steps to complete the transfer.
In STORIS, select Complete Radio Frequency Transfer Process.
Enter the Transfer From location, Transfer To location, Route, and Transfer Date.
Verify pieces listed in grid have been received.
Check the box at the Transfer COMPLETED? field and then click the Save button.
Click OK at the confirmation message This will COMPLETE the transfer and perform all updates!
The transfer receiving and transfer manifest are now complete.
To view receiving activity by product, select View Detailed Activity for a Product from the STORIS menu.
To report transfer activity by location, select Report Transfers by Location from STORIS.